Pediatric Starter Kit
Includes tests and materials to meet the American Academy of Pediatrics’ vision screening guidelines. This kit can be used in the medical home for pediatric patients aged 3 through high school, in the school setting, and in the Head Start setting.
You can add items to the toolkit to individualize it for your group or state.
This kit includes the following items:
255200 Wall Chart with LEA SYMBOLS® and Sloan Letters
For distance visual acuity screening of children ages 3 - 5 years with LEA SYMBOLS® and for distance visual acuity screening of older children with Sloan Letters.101200 PASS 2 Stereoacuity Test
For measuring the quality of depth perception of children ages 3 through high school.Children's Fun Frame Occluders
For distance visual acuity screening of younger children.760000 Translucent Occluder
For conducting a cross cover test.1. Visual System Assessment in Infants, Children, and Young Adults by Pediatricians - 2016
AAP, AAPOS, AACO, and AAO Hoskins Center for Quality Eye Care